A collection of responses from the media and social media users on the actions taken against journalists who covered the recent Russian presidential election. While some international media outlets covered these events, social media responses in English have been limited.
The Obama administration is facing scrutiny for its role in the imprisonment of a Yemeni journalist who exposed how the United States was behind a 2009 bombing in Yemen that killed 14 women and 21 children. We speak to Mohamed Abdel Dayem of CPJ and investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill.
En esta entrevista con Sampsonia Way, Rayma habla de las salidas que ha encontrado para representar el rostro prohibido, las amenazas que ha recibido, las ocasiones en que la han llamado terrorista gráfica y la violencia en Venezuela.
Reporters Without Borders has this year, for the first time, compiled a list of the world’s 10 most dangerous places for the media – the 10 cities, districts, squares, provinces, or regions where journalists and netizens were particularly exposed to violence and where freedom of information was flouted.
In this interview with Sampsonia Way, the Venezuelan cartoonist Rayma talks about the ways she has found to represent Chavez’s forbidden face as well as her thoughts on freedom of the press and violence in Venezuela.
Thai courts are refusing bail for journalists and activists charged with the crime of lese majeste for apparently political reasons. Thai law criminalizes the expression of peaceful opinions deemed offensive to the institution of the monarchy.
Launched by Reporters Without Borders in 2008, World Day Against Cyber-Censorship (on March 12, 2012) is intended to rally everyone in support of a single Internet without restrictions that is accessible to all.