All posts tagged Salman Rushdie

  • Charlie Hebdo and the PEN Award

    Protests against and controversy surrounding Charlie Hebdo’s reception of the PEN award for “freedom of expression courage”: an exploration of freedom expression that takes a toll on human dignity.


  • On Killing the Messenger

    Some of us choose to write things that may only offend family members, because we believe our blood ties will save us from their retribution. Others choose to take the risk of provoking religious extremists because they believe the risk is worth it.


  • Philip Roth
    Dear Philip, We are Never Done

    Iranian novelist Yaghoub Yadali responds to Philip Roth’s recent announcement of his retirement with a deeply honest letter addressed to the celebrated author. While Yadali understands Roth’s reasons for calling it quits, he explains why “for an Iranian writer, retirement is meaningless.”


  • Midnight’s Children

    Deepa Mehta’s film Midnight’s Children, based on Salman Rushdie’s novel of the same name, has reignited tensions with several Islamic fundamentalist groups.