All posts tagged France

  • Fabienne Kanor
    Video: Fabienne Kanor Reads from “Humus”

    French-Martinican writer and filmmaker Fabienne Kanor has been a writer-in-residence at City of Asylum/Pittsburgh for the past three months. Before returning to France, City of Asylum hosted a reading for her and Marvin Victor, another writer-in-residence. […]


  • Azerbaijani Protests Led Through Social Media

    The Great People’s Movement, founded by exiled journalist Elnur Majidli, is organizing social activism online to garner participants for public demonstrations, and calls for freedom from dictatorship, corruption, and tyranny, and for the release of political prisoners.


  • Censored: Copwatch France

    Copwatch Nord-Paris IDF, a website that publicizes incidents of police brutality and misconduct, has been blocked in France. The site has been charged with “defaming and putting at risk the safety of police officers.”