All posts tagged fictionslider

  • Luis Trapaga drawing
    The Same Eyes by Lizabel Mónica

    Lizabel Mónica is a writer whose experimental concepts alternate with narrative texts of high precision and transparency, where a certain pervert urge of her characters is always the result of corporal repression in human behavior. She is a writer of fiction, editor and art critic.


  • Artwork by El Sexto
    Graphomania by Lien Carrazana Lau

    Writer, digital editor, painter, and graphic designer, Carranza Lau is the author of Faithless, a collection of short stories, and her stories have appeared in several anthologies. She is staff member of the opinion, literary and news website Diario de Cuba.


  • Dis Tortue, Dors-Tu Nue? by Lia Villares

    Lia Villares’ writing is herself, her motley room full of incense and music, her diaries half-finished or half-begun, her incredible blogs all of them called “Hechizamiento Habanémico Hebdomanario.” She is one of the most important social activists of the Cuban blogosphere.


  • Tyrant Memory by Horacio Castellanos Moya
    Tyrant Memory by Horacio Castellanos Moya

    Sampsonia Way magazine presents fragments from Tyrant Memory selected by author. The tyrant of Castellanos Moya’s ambitious new novel is based on the actual pro-Nazi mystic Maximiliano Hernández Martínez who came to power in El Salvador in 1932.