Chinese censorship – American Style?

by    /  November 28, 2013  / No comments

The suspension of Bloomberg New’s Hong Kong-based journalist Michael Forsythe sparks discussion of alleged censorship of reporters and articles in China.

[Last] week Bloomberg news was widely criticized after suspending one of its Hong Kong-based journalists. The journalist, award-wining investigative reporter Michael Forsythe, had been working on an investigative series on the financial interests of several Chinese leaders, but multiple media outlets, including the Financial Times and The New York Times, reported that Forsythe’s story was pulled by Bloomberg editors. They worried it might spark retribution from Chinese officials, including expulsion from China.

Chinese censorship – American Style? (via CNN Video)

James Fallows, Demetri Sevastopulo and Eric Deggans discuss Bloomberg’s alleged censorship of reporters and articles in China. More from CNN

  1. Recommended Reading: A Mud Battle Fought in A Quagmire
  2. In China, according to Tienchi Martin-Liao (Independent Chinese PEN Centre), journalists face two major problems: censorship from officials who issue instructions on how and whether or not to report a story, and corruption in the form of “red envelopes” (bribes), which have become many journalists’ main source of income.
  3. Read →

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