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  • My Mother the Cipher

    by Erinn Batykefer She collected swag from each of them, the boys she dated in college, trophies from every branch of the military but the Coast Guard. She told us her sophomore goal was to date […]



    for Aretha Franklin by R/B Mertz Where’s the good news? You heard what happened Yesterday & the day before & the day before between the radio saints Making you look closer & closer & realize you […]


  • Unrecognizable

    On Pollinate (Garden Boy), a painting by Devan Shimoyama by Lily Weatherford-Brown Hear Garden Boy here. Tears clatter in cacophony, and funnel to a pool of blue zircon. Buds shoot from his stomach. A daisy stems […]


  • Tugging & Pulling: An Interview With Melissa Lozada-Oliva

    “We are trying our best to bring forth every strand of Latinidad and also be able to put the idea of “Latinidad” under a microscope and criticize it and dig up its dirt and try to shut down anti-blackness. We’re starting to come to terms with the fact that Latinx isn’t a race, even if it is a marginalized group heavily targeted by the president. Everything is constantly redefining itself and it’s nice to be a part of the cycle.” 


  • Diversidad y Unidad

    For many of these writers, their Latinx identity and commitment to their craft are inseparable. Jiménez says she has been writing poetry for as long as she can remember — and being Latinx, being Puerto Rican, is a crucial part of that. “I think that’s the way most of us see our artmarking,” she says. “That’s just a part of who we are, and how we move in the world.”


  • Are We Not Obsidian?*

    for Bekezela Mguni and Saretta Morgan by Lauren Russell This is not the death I dreamed of, so it must be life. Red moon bullseye playing peek-a-boo with the idea of a cloud. A black- bird […]