Infographic: Uncut Dispatches From China, Egypt, Iran and Mexico

by    /  May 20, 2011  / No comments

Infographic: The five regional correspondents for Uncut. Text: Andy Tybout. Design: Michael Solano-Mullings

Speech isn’t the only endangered freedom in Iran: last summer, a cleric declared in a fatwa that keeping dogs as pets was a “blind imitation of the vulgar Western culture.” Now, the country’s parliament is considering banning their ownership.

Anecdotes and facts like this abound on Uncut, a blog that tracks free speech developments — including changes in censorship laws and emerging artists struggling with their results — in four politically embroiled nations: Mexico, Egypt, China and Iran. Five prominent journalists — Ana Arana, Ashraf Khalil, Alice Xin Liu, Dinah Gardner, and the pseudonymous Little Black Fish — provide regular dispatches from these countries.

The blog, which began posting in June 2010, is an affiliate of the Index on Censorship, a British organization that advocates freedom of expression through a website, magazine and various events. Emily Butselaar, the Index’s online editor, oversees its content.

In the next few years, Uncut plans to expand its coverage to encompass new “priority regions,” with more editors assigned to each beat. Many of its stories are linked on Index on Censorship’s Twitter feed.


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