All posts tagged Yaghoub Yadali

  • Modern Family - Iran
    “Modern Family”: Iranian, Islamic

    “Now, what happens when writers and directors copy a show from a country that is called ‘the great Satan?'” Yaghoub Yadali highlights blatant similarities that exist between an Iranian series and a popular American one and uses this case study as a window into deep-seated issues in Iranian television.


  • MENA_Holocaust results
    A Few Meaningful Numbers

    Columnist Yaghoub Yadali elaborates upon the surprising survey results released by the Anti-Defamation League that detail the prevalence of anti-semitism in nations around the world, including Iran.


  • comfort women
    Jihad for Sex

    Sampsonia Way columnist Yaghoub Yadali writes about “coupling jihad” or “sexual jihad” and the potential proliferation of this dangerous trend, which stems from an extremist order.