All posts tagged reading

  • Patrice Nganang image
    What Writers Are Reading: Patrice Nganang

    Patrice Nganang describes his reading diet: “I read and stop, this book, that book, without distinction. Sometimes I read all the books of an author, and then move to other writers. I just finished reading the books by Cameroonian writer Max Lobe, and now it is Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor I am reading, after this I am reading Imbolo Mbue.”


  • Rachida Madani and Marilyn Hacker
    Armed with Words: Moroccan Poet Rachida Madani

    Rachida Madani sees herself as “a poet armed with words to bear witness and revolt against injustice, social inequality, women’s conditions in a patriarchal society, men’s superiority complex, despotism, and a lack of freedom of expression.” In this edition of The Writer’s Block, Rachida spoke about language, womanhood, and reinventing Scheherazade.