All posts tagged Mohammad Abu Rahma

  • Map of Islamic Caliphate c. 750 AD
    Sedition of the Caliphate

    Did the ‘Caliphate’ really exist as a political and religious regime for transferring authority through Islamic history? Author Hamdy el-Gazzar comments on Islamic historian Mohammad Abu Rahma’s new book about the fight for authority throughout the more than 600-year history of Caliphate rule.


  • Map of Islamic Caliphate c. 750 AD
    Sedition of Caliphate (Arabic Text)

    Did the ‘Caliphate’ really exist as a political and religious regime for transferring authority through Islamic history? Author Hamdy el-Gazzar comments on Islamic historian Mohammad Abu Rahma’s new book on the fight for authority spanning more than 600 years of Caliphate rule.