All posts tagged Egypt

  • Cover: The Arena's Shout
    The Arena’s Outcry

    This week Hamdy el-Gazzar introduces us to The Arena’s Shout, a new book that studies the lexicon of the Egyptian Revolution. The book examines 650 different slogans that were chanted by protestors gathered at Tahrir Square and other public places across Egypt.


  • Cover: The Arena's Shout
    The Arena’s Outcry (Arabic Text)

    This week Hamdy el-Gazzar introduces us to The Arena’s Shout, a new book that studies the lexicon of the Egyptian Revolution. The book examines 650 different slogans that were chanted by protestors gathered at Tahrir Square and other public places across Egypt.


  • Cartoon Puzzle
    Cartoon: Puzzle

    Repression of the press is a puzzle, and the pieces can take many forms: outright censorship by the state is one form, but the latest arrest of four Al Jazeera journalists in Egypt might be considered another. Cartoon by Ángel Ramiro Zapata Mora (Colombia).