Venezuelan Political Cartoonist Rayma Faces Pro-Chavez Media Attack
by Mariana Centeno / March 22, 2012 / 4 Comments
This past week Venezuelan political cartoonist Rayma Suprani became the target of criticism and threats from state-run media and pro-Chávez supporters for a cartoon published on March 14, in which she highlights Venezuela’s poverty crisis.
The cartoon, which depicts a man inside a dog house with an empty dish in front of him and a caption reading, “Housing plan?” was a critique of what Suprani believes is a failed government initiative. Pro-Chávez political pundit Mario Silva, discussed the cartoon on his TV show La Hojilla, describing it as a mocking insult to Venezuelans from a “racist and classist cartoonist.” Silva’s comments triggered a response from enraged Chávez supporters who took to social media, using the hashtag #RaymaApatrida (“unpatriotic Rayma”) on Twitter to post threats and insults.
On March 20 Rayma made a formal complaint before the district attorney’s office against La Hojilla. The following is a collection of responses from media outlets and social media users, some attacking her, some showing support, and her reaction to the accusations.
4 Comments on "Venezuelan Political Cartoonist Rayma Faces Pro-Chavez Media Attack"
Revolution? Sadly, what we Venezuelans are facing (and bearing like bloody burden) is a “Robberlution”: A troop of greedy and mean people who happened to run into an oil-welthy country
Las leyes se respetan. Los símbolos patrios son sagrados para todos los venezolanos y venezolanas.Nadie puede incitar al odio y a la violencia, menos valiéndose del arte. La libertad siempre es responsable así que tambien como venezolana, pido que cese la violencia, la discriminación que ejerce esta ciudadana contra el pueblo de Vzla
Luego de trece años en enercicio del poder, y habiendo irrespetado la constitución muchísimas veces, ya no pueden decir que las leyes se respetan sin que todos sepamos que desde el mismo gobierno esa frase no significa nada.
El clamor de Sara es común entre la mayoría de los venezolanos que quieren un gobierno democrático, pero lamentablemente el gobierno de turno y quienes lo apoyan, descaradamente niegan la violencia y resentimiento con el que día a día actúan. Son violentos y altamente cobardes…