All posts tagged Israel

  • Freedom of Speech, or Freedom of Hate?

    What effect does Pamela Geller’s continuous slander of Muslims really have on public opinion at large? Does the public dismiss her ads as more propaganda for a distant war, or do they have the power to actually turn people against Muslims and deny them their humanity?


  • Exile Hangout: Venezuela
    Exile Hangout: Venezuela

    In this Exile Hangout, writer-in-residence Israel Centeno engages Venezuelan authors Liliana Lara, Juan Carlos Chirinos, and Juan Carlos Mendez Guedez. They reveal the realities of living overseas as Venezuelan writers and they expand upon what it means to truly live “in exile” within and outside their country of origin.


  • distorted_image
    A Distorted Picture

    Searching for truth in media hyperbole. In this week’s Pakistan Unveiled, Bina Shah takes the media to task for their portrayals of Pakistan, including in the reporting of the Gaza-Israel conflict.


  • Zuma Spear
    Freedom of Speech Roundup

    In the Weekly Freedom of Speech Roundup Sampsonia Way presents some of the week’s top news on freedom of expression, journalists in danger, artists in exile, and banned literature. This week news from Colombia, South Africa, China, Israel and Pakistan.